- Lancellotti illustrates the fleetingness of time -By Jorge Glusberg- Ambito Financiero. 26-10-1999
- Fernando Lancellotti’s Playground of the Absurd -By Kate Stanworth
- One flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest - By Santiago Rial Ungaro
- The History of Painting and the Philosophy of Movement - By Julio Sanchez- La Nación 8-11-2008.
- Life’s drama in a black box - By James Marrison
- Black box, routines, ghosts By Eva Grinstein
- Una intervención que cuestiona el limite con lo real -Por Dolores Pruneda Paz- Telam 13-11-2008
- From adversities we live - By María Gainza - Página 12. Sup. Radar 30-11-2003-
- Fernando Lancellotti. Observar / ser observado. Por Alicia González Reyero.
- When the darkest point is under the spotlight By Horacio Zabala